Category: Reviews (page 1 of 1)

Alive: Rankin in Liverpool

Alive: In The Face of Death, Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool

Are you alive, really alive? Do you know what it means to be alive?
Do we have to be ill to know what it means to be alive?
This exhibition is about being alive. It’s also about faces, facing up to and facing down life and death. Read more

Chagall at Tate Liverpool

Marc Chagall’s style is known for its unusual figures floating above the ground levitating with sheer emotion or heads spinning. He often turned his work upside down whilst painting surreal images before the word was even applied to art. But he is the most down to earth artist I know of. Here, the exhibition is on the top floor of the Tate in Liverpool, and we hover around the gallery looking down on one of the most down to earth cities I know of. Read more